Minecraft: Education Edition is an open world game that promotes creativity, collaboration, and problem-solving in an immersive environment where the only limit is your imagination.
Students live in a digital world already, and Minecraft: Education Edition is a way to bring the classroom and curriculum to them, in an environment they know an enjoy. It is the same Minecraft experience many students enjoy and play already, but with some additional capabilities to enable student collaboration in the classroom, and support educators to deliver lessons and learning activities within the game. It is designed for students to play together – whether that’s working in teams to solve a problem or collaborating as an entire class to master learning activities. Children learn naturally through a combination of observation, trial-and-error, and play-based practice. An open learning environment like Minecraft encourages independence and self-direction, allowing students the freedom to experiment and challenge themselves. Because Minecraft: Education Edition is a flexible platform for learning, educators are able to map projects and activities directly to specific learning outcomes and Victorian Curriculum standards.
During this one-day, face-to-face workshop, you will:
• receive an overview of Minecraft: Education Edition;
• learn to play the game;
• access curriculum and classroom resources you can take back to your classroom;
• Develop the skills to confidently facilitate Minecraft in your classroom.
Participants will engage in immersive learning activities that will build a strong understanding of how Minecraft: Education Edition can improve instruction and meet the learning needs of students.
What will the day look like?
• 9:00 Registrations Open
• 9:30 The Microsoft Educator Community, hands-on in Minecraft: Education Edition
• 11:00 Break
• 11:30 How it looks in the classroom, access curriculum & classroom resources, learn to play
• 13:00 Lunch
• 13:30 Classroom Mode, Code Builder, Chemistry in Minecraft
• 15:00 End
Important Information
• While this event is targeted at DET teachers, leaders ES and ICT support staff, others from independent, Catholic, TAFE and higher education sectors are most welcome.
• This is a face-to-face event held in Victoria, Australia (not online) and so you
must register using a Victorian institution email address.
• This is an
introductory course intended to expose educators to Minecraft: Education Edition.
• Please bring a
fully-charged laptop (not phone or tablet) and your
TO number (DET employees) or
Office 365 login details.
• Tea and coffee will be provided but this event will not be catered.
For more information please contact
a-trwall@microsoft.comFurther information regarding to Minecraft for Education can be found at: https://www.edustar.vic.edu.au/Pages/Minecraft.aspxMore information regarding the PD can also be found by contacting James Mutch (HSN IT Manager) or the below DET contact:
Stephen Elford | Senior Project Officer, Digital Learning Coach | Learning and Teaching BranchSecondary Reform, Transitions and Priority Cohorts DivisionDepartment of Education and TrainingE: